Bannersystems from Hoffschmidt.
From Drag & Drop® banners to banner lifters.
With our large banner system Drag & Drop® and Bannerlifter, you create a versatile and customizable way for your customer to make advertising campaigns visible in a concise manner.
Our banner systems can be configured in various frame sizes and brackets/mounts.
Drag & Drop® - in-house development
Quick change with Mouse-Binder
Durability and weather resistance
Expert customer service
Your new project
with the support of
of our experts.
Exciting advertising spaces make your façade shine!
Banner systems are the ideal presentation medium for large advertising banners and frequently changing banners and can be used for any type of advertising campaign.
The system consists of a lightweight aluminum frame that is easy to assemble and install and a tensioned fabric banner that is stretched in the frame. The simple tensioning makes changing the advertising banner child's play.
For locations that are difficult to access and high motifs, a banner lifter is also an option. The Bannerlifter is a retractable advertising system for advertising banners. With Bannerlifter Basic, you can quickly change an advertising banner in just a few minutes.
And without additional costs for hoists or additional personnel.